Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Random musings after two and a half weeks

It's been two and a half weeks since the The Hubby left. Some random thoughts buzzing in my head, in no particular order:

  • I never truly realized before now how much children crave and demand order and routine. The more our days are predictable and patterned, the happier my kids are. If I get the kids washed and dressed and breakfasted right away, rather than lounging in our pjs in front of the TV, the day goes smoothly. Wait even a half an hour to start the routine, and I can expect tantrums and bickering the rest of the day. Weird.
  • My boys never liked being up late, as I used to think. They went to bed late because Hubby procrastinated getting them to bed. He's a great dad, but bedtime is his weak point.
  • My default tired, hungry and overwhelmed setting is Screechy, with Guilt. If I don't watch myself, I sound like a fishwife.
  • Modern women are spoiled rotten. Now that I don't have time for the little luxuries in life, such as lunch with a friend, professional facial waxing or even a supper where I eat a hot meal rather than a lukewarm one, I realize they are just luxuries.
  • I don't know how women survived before the invention of washers, dryers and dishwashers. I haven't cleaned my bathroom in two weeks because I don't have time. My house would be condemned by a health inspector if it wasn't for all the time-saving devices in it. When the dishwasher does my dishes, I have time to sweep and mop.
  • Anyone who wants to help me this week is more than welcome to come clean my bathroom or my fridge. :-)
  • I think I'm going to have to start actively looking for a new owner for our tropical fish. Two fish tanks are too much. I can keep up with the goldfish, I think.
  • I miss my husband terribly, but I am remembering what it was like before we were married, when I was at university alone, in a city and province of my own, no family and no boyfriend. It was okay and I was happy despite missing them. I am the same now. I suppose I am just a happy person.
  • I took Baby N. to the doctor today for her six-month check-up. The oinker weighs 16 pounds, 15 ounces. It's time to look into getting her a bigger car seat.
  • I found out today that Dr. Phil is planning a show on HG, that pregnancy condition I suffered! I was so excited I called Mom. Finally, some attention and press to a frightening and under-treated condition.

And I'm spent. Time for bed.


Stacey and Trevor said...
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Stacey and Trevor said...

I wrote an incoherent thing about modern women last night when I got home from a concert but have not had time to post it. I will at some point this weekend!

Cin said...

OK.... remember, love, that I think men should have to do this work too! It was just traditionally women who did it before.

Stacey and Trevor said...

Oh darling... my comments have nothing to do with menfolk (kind of in a general/societal sense). Generally, my comments have to do with luxaries. Especially waxing and personal appearance etc... Women centuries ago did not have modern conveniences and had to deal with their society's views of womanhood, etc.... Modern women are expected and antcipated to wax, shave, bleech, colour, sculpt our bodies, raise babies, raise money, volunteer at the school, clean the toilet, buy the groceries, pay the bills and go for regular waxing, colouring, bleeching, body sculpting appointments and be extremely grateful that we can "have it all". Women unite! Give up waxing, shaving, colouring, sculpting up and get more sleep. Can you tell I'm home in B.C. now? That's all. XO

Cin said...

Love it!!!!

(I just wish I had that much love for my lip hairs...)

Anonymous said...

You go girl.All women's lib did for us is give us two full time jobs (and the right to vote)

I have "had it all"up to my waxed eyebrows.

Take care,
Cin's mom

Cin said...

Tell it, Mom!