Monday, January 22, 2007

Day 10: Construction Zone

Yesterday totally sucked rocks, so I'm not going there. Let's just say that A. is testing me.

Today, for the first time since university, I assembled a piece of furniture by myself -- and for the first time ever, did not swear or break anything. Woo-hoo!

I ordered a toy sorter before The Hubby left -- y'know, one of those things with nine or ten plastic bins so the kids can sort their toys into different categories when they clean up (dinkies in the dinky bin, animals in the animal bin, etc.) It arrived today, and the boys love it. It has characters from their (current) favourite movie, Cars.

After putting it together, we went through all their toys. I took out a whole garbage bag of broken toys and half-there puzzles. The boys' room is so neat and tidy, and you can actually find specific toys now.

Hubby called tonight. Still doing well, still has his eyes on the prize. We got the baby to laugh into the phone for him. Sounded as if he might cry, but he kept a straight voice and face. He can't cry, he's in the Navy now!

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