Saturday, February 10, 2007

Month two, day one: It got worse.....

Yesterday was so awful I can only do a list:
  • A. told me he hated me and wished I was dead because I wouldn't let him watch a favourite program after a major bout of misbehaviour.
  • I received an enormous, unexpected tax bill I can't afford to pay, and can't call Revenue Canada until Monday because they're closed.
  • I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because the children took it in turns to wake up. So A. would be up, and I would just get him to sleep when I. would wake up. As soon as I would settle him, N. would wake up. The cycle repeated all night long.

G. came this morning at eight to pick up the boys for the day. I called her at seven, crying. All the children have been awake since six am.

I just want to run away and never come back, to be honest. It's a good thing I love the little buggers more than life, or I think I would!

I'm going back to bed.

10:19 p.m.: The children are all asleep, and I am sitting here feeling as if I've been to the spa. Megan and I went to lunch today, since the baby refused to nap. She gave me a bunch of skin care stuff from Bert's Bees. So I have now cleansed and exfoliated and toned and moisturized. I smell like citrus and almonds and carrots. I think this is the most relaxed I've been in weeks.

Oh, baby's awake.

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