Sunday, May 17, 2009


The garage sale was a total flop. We had one guy look over our bike and tell me it wasn't worth any money, especially not the $10 listed on the sticker; and a neighbourhood kid who tried to buy our dinkie mat as Hubby loaded the detritus into the minivan to take it to the Sally Ann. Hubby took pity on the guffer and gave him the mat.

Salvation Army shoppers, look for some fabulous merchadise this week.

I miss Yellowknife.


Megan said...

Yellowknife misses you, too.

Jason said...

Too bad. :-(

Anonymous said...

We had one on Saturday. It rained (of course) and I had a hang over (of course). . . I was out there kicking myself, wondering why I had not gone straight to the Salvation Army.

Gracie said...

I miss Iqaluit... totally know how you feel!