Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Overheard in Buses #1: Teenage Bullies Attack

The bus is packed and at least 20 of us are standing in the aisle. A teenage couple is standing near the door, shooting dirty looks about. A man in his 50s, balding, fat and wearing glasses, is standing nearby.

Boy to Man: What are you looking at?

Man, taken aback: What? You mean me?

Girl: Yeah, you, what are are looking at? Are you looking at us?

Man, flabbergasted: What? I wasn't looking at you.

Girl: See this bus, it's full of windows for you to look out. So look out there, don't look at us.

Boy: Yeah, stop looking at us.

Man, looking nervous: Listen, I wasn't looking at you. I wasn't.

Boy and girl share the triumphant glance of successful bullies. I resolve to speak up at the next exchange, but the man turns his back on the kids and spends the rest of the bus ride trying his hardest not to look at them. I spend the rest of the ride wondering why a grown man allowed two children 40 years younger than he to bully him, and why I allowed it to happen.


Anonymous said...

Because today you are not sure what the kids are carrying.Better to ignore than be stabbed or shot.
Sad state we have now.

Anonymous said...

It's scary, isn't it. You want to say something, but it's risky for all involved. You have to weigh your options and I expect that, in this situation, you did what was best for everyone's safety. Let's count on Karma to make things rights.