Friday, January 19, 2007

Day seven: Exhausted

So today sucked, but I made it through without a breakdown. I'm so tired I'm just gonna write a list.
  • A. woke up at 5 am and could not get back to sleep. We tried a snack, music, snuggles, but sleep eluded him. So I finally gave up around 6:30 am and got up.
  • Went to D.'s house and had a good time! She let me go run errands for an hour while she watched the boys.
  • Too exhausted to make lunch. Went through drive-through. Boys fell asleep in front of DVD.
  • Made omelets for supper.
  • M. and her son M. came over this evening so I could have some time with a grown-up. She listened to me whine for 2 hours (thanks!)
  • Just chucked exhausted boys in bed while Baby N. screamed blue murder due to teething. She just passed out in my arms and is propped against me as I write this.

In other more interesting news, the Hubby called tonight -- first call since Tuesday. He says things are heavy-duty now, and four people have dropped out of his platoon. He did well on his first 5 km run. Stopped for breath just 30 seconds before master corporal called for rest break. Lots of other guys stopped earlier in the run, winded, and they had to do push-ups.

Hubby says he is in the groove -- being pushed hard and manhandled and enduring groups punishment and the like -- but he says he just feels like it's right for him. He has no thoughts of quitting and no doubts.

I'm incredibly proud of him.

K, Princess is waking up. Got to go deal with Her Screaminess.

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