Sunday, November 15, 2009

One thing they don't tell you about children...

... is how inherently selfish and self-absorbed they are.

We try very hard to teach our kids to be empathetic and polite little people who think of others. Sometimes it works, but a lot of the time it doesn't.

An example: Big I. has been refusing to go to sleep at night. He makes noise, talks, jumps in his brother's bed, gets up and demands hugs, etc. It is driving me insane, keeping his siblings awake and is stealing what I have of down time in a day, when I neither parent nor work. When dealing with these antics, I can't make lunches or sign permisison slips or any of the other things I do for them after they sleep and before I sit at the computer.

I've explained to him, over and over, that this is not OK and makes mommy very, very cranky (and lands him in time out and with Xs -- three Xs and he loses his allowance for the week.) Nothing works, and he continues to act out this way rather than telling me what's making him act like this. I can't ignore him, because it wakes the others.

Tonight, an hour and a half of this nonsense led to two Xs, the curtains in the boys' room being pulled down, and waking Toddler N, who promptly started to scream in that "I've woken up sick as a dog" way.

As I tried desperately to give N. Tylenol and take her temperature while checking her for serious symptoms, he kept acting up, yelling and bouncing and squirming on his bed.

Finally, I put N. down, went into his room, turned on the light and chewed him out. Wow, sucky pareting moment right here.

After I finally calmed N. back to sleep, I went back into the room and apologized for losing my temper, and had a good talk with I. I told him I loved him very much and he was a good boy, but these nighttime behaviours were not OK and not good and were hurting everyone in the house. We talked about our agreement this week (he will try to listen the first time and I will try hard not to raise my voice.)

Look, I have no idea if this agreement will work out. All I know is he has to start going to bed. He's five. Bedtime was, for a long time now, the good end to a long day. For the past two months, it's once again become the most stressful time of the day for me. It hasn't been like that since I used to have to sit in their room for hours at night to get them to sleep. I refuse to go back to that.

The hardest part of being alone is dealing with these sorts of things and having no one to take over when you feel you are losing your cool. When C. is here, we spell each other off. When alone, it's just me. Although I'm a good mom, my children are adept at finding something that irritates me and notching it up to torture level. It's exhausting, especially since I can't use healthy guilt (pointing out how his behaviour affects others) with Big I. He has none.

This stuff is hard. Most days I do well, but today was just one of those days.


Mongoose said...

Nothing wrong with chewing him out, if you ask me. Up to about 20 years ago he'd have gotten a good spanking in the bargain and not thought twice about it. I'm not sure who's teaching people this namby-pamby behaviour but I bet a good chewing out would work way better than a nice apology.

Mary said...

Yup... been there done that, and like you I apologize to my kids for my anger/bursts. I think it's good we do that. We aren't perfect... but we are a family that needs to work together and love one another. Sounds like you handled it beautifully.
Also I haven't heard of anyone doing the X thing. I use it when I'm trying to get rid of a certain behavior. Right now it's now obeying me when I say to do something. I don't like diddle daddle. "Slow obey is no obey." So ya... 3 strikes and punishment comes. Thx for sharing. Kids def teach us lots!

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there to use the daddy voice, or chase him around as the Daddy-mech or Daddy-monster. That'd shut him up, haha. Or the claw. The claw works. I wish I knew why big I doesn't want to go to sleep...

Regardless, you're doing a fine job, hon. Maybe he'd react to losing his access to pokemon cards, each infraction you take a random card from his deck for 24 hours, haha! I don't know... he's a mystery to me too, that one. The others are so easy to figure out.