Thursday, September 03, 2009

Revenge of the school-supply-crazed mommy

I'm sitting here, on a perfectly fine Thursday evening, with all of the children in bed and fresh ideas for my book.

But can I settle in for an evening of writing? No.

I have to sharpen 72 pencils before school starts on Tuesday. Why? The teacher said so on the supply list. The hateful, dreaded, crazy-making supply list. The one that asks for two, yes, two pencil sharpeners with lids, but also demands all the pencils be sharpened.

Another mother has channelled many of my feelings about the supply list so much better than I can while sharpening 72!! PENCILS. Go on over to her blog and enjoy her revenge fantasy.


Jason said...

72 pencils!? WTF?! Kids are in school for like 9 months but let's say 10 for the sake of easy math. 72 pencils in 10 months means that students use 1 pencil every 2-3 days. Yeah right! As if! Kids use one pencil per 2 weeks.

I only ask for 12 and I always have some left over by June.

Cin said...

I know, it's completely bananas. The teacher also asked for two paint boxes -- never mind Alex's paints were barely used last year.