Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lucy has arrived

Lucy Parker J. arrived Sunday evening. The proud mommy and daddy are recovering nicely, and Lucy is trying her very best to learn the art of breastfeeding. Her mother is doing an awesome job teaching herself and her little one this new skill.

S. would like to be able to do her own announcing of the details, so I will leave it at that. S, feel free to use my comments box!

I must say I am immeasurably proud of S. and her husband T. They are doing a wonderful job, and both of them were troopers during a long labour and delivery.

I could use some oft-repeated verse here, but instead I'll say this: I never knew who I truly was, my true strengths, talents and abilities, until I became a mother. This is not true for many people, but it has been for me. I have grown into my authentic self through parenting my small brood. And though self-discovery is exhausting when changing diapers, breastfeeding and trying to run the older kids to pre-school, I wish the same self-revelation for you.

God bless you over and over, my dear friend.


Megan said...

We are all very happy about Lucy.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Cindy.
Lucy is the best thing Trevor and I have ever done. My love for her is very difficult to describe but it is the most awesome feeling... I hardly remember life before her.

She was born just before 5 pm on Sunday, June 22 (a Cancer baby), weighing almost 9 lbs (I attribute that to her being 10 days overdue) and about 54 cm long.

I am blessed to have my family happy and healthy. And thank you for being such a champ and helping us learn to breastfeed so both of us can thrive! And a hearty thanks to your husband, kids and parents for supporting you while you spent hours with us!

Love S