Friday, August 03, 2007

Act of rebellion

I am a reporter/editor with CBC Radio in Yellowknife. I am an employee for two more weeks. And I blog.

I do not have my supervisor's permission to do this. She would probably laugh if I asked for it.

I will not bow down to the false gods of censorship and "guideline documents" in my personal time on my personal blog.

Nothing I write here reflects the opinions of the CBC. It is a personal blog.

Everything I write here conforms to the journalistic policy of "Outside Activities".

I have not forgotten the lockout, or the blog I penned then.

Back to my regularly scheduled natterings about my perfect and beautiful children and the state of my dining room floor.

(Go see this and this for an explanation. Man, this stuff ticks me off.)

1 comment:

Megan said...

Your blog is a great example. Quick, go and get official CBC approval for your blog about Little I's potty-training efforts. Make sure you follow all CBC journalistic standards and practices.

I already see a problem: Your blog is very one-sided. You haven't even made an effort to tell the other side of the story. You must be biased! There's no way CBC is going to be able to approve this!